Microbial biotechnology and related fields have opened up new avenues for the potential use of beneficial soil and plant microbiomes that produce bioactive compounds and secondary metabolites in industry. Microbes are ubiquitous and useful for sustainable development for agriculture, industry, pharmaceuticals, and related sectors. The microbes are ubiquitous and reported from all-natural habitats including normal as well as extremophilic habitats. The microbes have diverse habitats; plant microbiomes (rhizospheric, epiphytic, and endophytic), soil microbiomes, and extremophilic microbes (halophilic, thermophilic/psychrophilic, alkaliphilic/acidophilic, and xerophilic) and all may be grouped as symbiotic, associative, or free-livings. These microbes have the capability to produce beneficial compounds (bioactive compounds and secondary metabolites) with use in diverse biotechnological processes and applications. The metabolic engineering and synthetic biology with microbial biotechnological techniques help to characterize the diverse groups of potentially bioactive compounds such as β-lactam, β-hydroxybutyrate, streptothricin, pyrrolnitrin, polyanionic, octadecylmorpholine, isoprenoid quinine, isocaryophyllene, friulimicins, erythromycin, cervinomycin, aristeromycin, aminoglycoside, and alahopcin in industry, agriculture and related sectors. Bioactive compounds and secondary metabolites are quite encouraging in terms of their applications.
Yadav AN. Microbial biotechnology for bio-prospecting of microbial bioactive compounds and secondary metabolites. J App Biol Biotech. 2021; 9 (2): 1-6. DOI: dx.doi.org/10.7324/JABB.2021.92ed
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