Research Article | Volume: 4, Issue: 2, March-April, 2016

RNA-Seq analysis reveals influence of sugar level and photoperiod on seasonality in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) sex-specific inflorescence emergence

Walter Ajambang Constantin Mondjeli Godswill Ntsomboh Ntsefong Sudarsono Sudarsono   

Open Access   

Published:  Apr 21, 2016

DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2016.40203

We induced male inflorescence formation on 162 oil palm trees of 14 years old by complete defoliation. Inflorescence emergence data was analysed within a five-year period. Total RNA was extracted from un-emerged inflorescences of both completely defoliated and non-defoliated trees for gene expression studies. The aim was to investigate the effects of voluntary time-specific inflorescence induction on the seasonal trend of inflorescence emergence; including the molecular mechanisms regulating inflorescence emergence in oil palm. Male inflorescence emergence increased by 104.2% after complete defoliation stress treatment. The time between induction and emergence of inflorescence was 17.83 months. There was an increase of 58.8% in male inflorescence emergence during the wet season as compared to the dry season although equal numbers of trees were treated for each season. Male inflorescence emergence was seasonal irrespective of the time or season of inflorescence induction, indicating that sex specific inflorescence emergence in oil palm is pre-programmed and synchronised, depending on seasonal cues. Response to carbohydrate status, light and temperature were among the highly enriched functional clusters obtained from 1,214 differentially expressed genes (DEG). Knowing the factors controlling inflorescence emergence, crop production estimation and breeding strategies can efficiently be designed by agronomists and breeders.

Keyword:     Defoliation oil palm voluntary inflorescence induction seasonal cues transcriptome analysis tree biology.


Ajambang W, Mondjeli C, Ntsefong GN, Sudarsono S. RNA-Seq analysis reveals influence of sugar level and photoperiod on seasonality in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) sex-specific inflorescence emergence. J App Biol Biotech. 2016; 4 (02): 016-022. DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2016.40203

Copyright: Author(s). This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

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