Enhanced fibrinolytic protease production by Serratia marcescens RSPB11 through Plackett-Burman and response surface methodological approaches

Paruchuru Lakshmi Bhargavi, Reddy Shetty Prakasham

DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2016.40302Pages: 006-014

Graphical Abstract

A novel fibrinolytic enzyme producer from mangrove soil sediments: Screening, isolation, strain improvement, and fermentation

Bhavana Sompalli, Alok Malaviya

DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2024.161429Pages: 182-190

Graphical Abstract

Purification and evaluating in vitro activity of a fibrinolytic protease produced by a mangrove isolate Bacillus subtilis AIBL_AMSB2_M7E32

Bhavana Sompalli, Alok Malaviya

DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2024.175220Pages: 237-242

Graphical Abstract