The Characterization of Amylolytic Enzyme Present in Fermented Sweet Sap of Palmyrah
Arumugam Vengadaramana, Mehala Uthayasooriyan, Thananthika Sittampalam, Nirosha Razeek, Ranganathan Kapilan
DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2016.40304Pages: 020-023
Expression analysis of recombinant Vigna radiata plant defensin 1 protein in transgenic tobacco plants
Hoang Thi Thao, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan, Ho Manh Tuong, Nguyen Vu Thanh Thanh, Le Van Son, Chu Hoang Mau
DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2017.50112Pages: 070-075
In Vitro Antidiabetic and Anti-oxidant Activities of Methanol Extract of Tinospora Sinensis
Anindita Banerjee, Bithin Maji, Sandip Mukherjee, Kausik Chaudhuri, Tapan Seal
DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2017.50311Pages: 061-067
Morphological, enzymatic screening, and phylogenetic analysis of thermophilic bacilli isolated from five hot springs of Myagdi, Nepal
Punam Yadav, Suresh Korpole, Gandham S Prasad, Girish Sahni, Jyoti Maharjan, Lakshmaiah Sreerama, Tribikram Bhattarai
DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2018.60301Pages: 1-8
Characterization of extracellular amylase from Bacillus sp. strain RU1
Aleem Basha Pinjari, Vijayalakshmi Kotari
DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2018.60305Pages: 29-34
Screening and identification of amylase producing strains of Bacillus
Kumar Pranay, Shree Ram Padmadeo, Vijay Jha, Birendra Prasad
DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2019.70409Pages: 57-62
In vitro anti-amylase activity of some Indian dietary spices
Bhosale Hemlata, Gawali Pornima, Kadam Tukaram, Baisthakur Pankaj
DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2019.704011Pages: 70-74
Sequestration and purification of essential enzyme from Pleurotus florida compost waste and its application studies
S Karthika Devi, N Prabhu, S Monika, N M Swapna, S Vaishali, T Gajendran
DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2020.80111Pages: 64-68
Bioprospecting for extracellular enzymes from endophytic bacteria isolated from Vigna radiata and Cajanus cajan
Namita Bhutani, Rajat Maheshwari, Pradeep Kumar, Rakhi Dahiya, Pooja Suneja
DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2021.9304Pages: 26-34
Molecular docking of active compounds from Phoenix pusilla root extract against antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory drug targets
Vijayabharathi Saravanan, Anuradha Venkatraman, Habeeb Shaik Mohideen
DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2021.95.1s5Pages: 26–30
Optimization of amylase and protease production from oyster mushrooms koji (Pleurotus spp.) using response surface methodology
Nguyen Thi Ngoc Giang, Tran Van Khai, Nguyen Minh Thuy
DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2021.100107Pages: 54–61
Isolation and partial characterization of amylase produced by fungal isolates from the agro-industrial waste source
Soumya Nandi, Twinkle Bose, Susmita Mahato, Somashree Chatterjee, Annalakshmi Chatterjee
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Isolation and characterization of starch degrading bacteria from disparate soil samples
Vidhyutha Srivathsan, Mahima Bhandari, Priya Swaminathan
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Characterization of an alkaline endo-α-1-4-amylase from alkaliphilic Bacillus halodurans LBW 5117 and demonstration of its desizing potential
Kevin Raymond Oluoch, Edward Kirwa Muge, Yvonne Wanjiku Mwangi, Francis Jakim Mulaa
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A low-cost production, characterization, and application of raw starch degrading enzyme from the thermophilic filamentous bacterium, Laceyella sacchari P43
Wanthanee Khetkorn, Ausawadee Phonlamai, Chatsuda Sakdapetsiri, Vichien Kitpreechavanich, Thanasak Lomthong
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