Morphological, genetic and symbiotic characterization of root nodule bacteria isolated from Bambara groundnuts (Vigna subterranea L. Verdc) from soils of Lake Victoria basin, western Kenya

Onyango Benson, Anyango Beatrice, Nyunja Regina, P. K. Koech, Robert A. Skilton, Stomeo Francesca

DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2015.3101Pages: 001-010

Graphical Abstract

Molecular characterization and antibacterial properties of endophytic fungi Lasidiplodia theobromae in Lobelia nicotianifolia Roth ex Schult. of central Western Ghats of Karnataka, India

Krishnappa Vinu, Maddappa Krishnappa, Venkatarangaiah Krishna

DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2022.100411Pages: 77-85

Graphical Abstract