Management of heat stress in Drosophila melanogaster with Abhrak bhasma and ascorbic acid as antioxidant supplements

Rambhadur P. Subedi, Rekha R. Vartak, Purushottam G. Kale

DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2018.60204Pages: 20-26

Graphical Abstract

Some roadside medicinal weeds as bio-indicator of air pollution in Kolkata

Pranabesh Ghosh, Sirshendu Chatterjee, Suradipa Choudhury, Tanusree Sarkar, Ahana Sarkar, Susmita Poddar

DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2021.9216Pages: 164-168

Graphical Abstract

Ascorbic acid and calcium chloride modulate protein profile and metabolites to adapt Indian almond seedlings to heat stress

Neven A. Abdullah, Haider S. Sh. AL-Jabir, Hussein J. Shareef

DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2023.104077Pages: 198-205

Graphical Abstract