Journal of Applied
Biology & Biotechnology

ISSN Print: 2455-7005, ISSN Online: 2347-212X

Frequency: Bimonthly

Indexing: Scopus, Web of Science and many more

Editor in Chief : Dr. Ajar Nath Yadav

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Down-regulation of Id1 and Id3 genes affects growth and survival of Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVECs)

Foster Kyei, Du-Bois Asante, Juliet Ama Mawusi Edekor, Esther Sarpong, Edem Gavor, Daniels Konja

DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2016.40204Pages: 023-029

Graphical Abstract

Over-expression of Id2 and Id3 Proteins Regulates Growth and Survival of Human Colon Carcinoma (HCT116) Cells

Foster Kyei, Du-Bois Asante, Esther Sarpong, Juliet Ama Mawusi Edekor, Daniels Konja, Edem Gavor

DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2017.50102Pages: 010-017

Graphical Abstract

Effects of Malaria in Pregnancy (MiP) on Pregnancy Development and its Outcome: a Critical Review

Joshua Djabanor, Elvis Quansah, Du-Bois Asante

DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2017.50202Pages: 008-016

Graphical Abstract