Research Article | Volume: 2, Issue: 2, March-April, 2014

Enumeration of halophilic forms in parangipettai saltpan and its antagonistic activities against Vibrio sp.

P. MayavuS. SugeshM. Suriya and Shanmugam Sundaram   

Open Access   

Published:  Apr 27, 2014

DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2014.2205

Totally 27 halobacterial strains were isolated from parangipettai saltpan environment, based on the antagonistic activities 7 halobacterial strains were identified as halophilic bacterial strains were related to Bacillus sp., Halobacterium sp., Halobacillus sp., Halobacterium sp., Staphylococcus aureus, Halobacterium salinarum, Halobacillus salinus. The isolate H. salinus showed maximum antibacterial activities against the entire pathogenic Vibrio sp. and showed highest zone of inhibition against V. paraheamolyticus (13mm), V.ngullaram (12mm), V. alginolyticus (11mm). The halobacterium specie showed maximum zone inhibition against V. paraheamolyticus (10mm) and minimum antibacterial activities were observed in the H. salinarum which showed against V. harveyi (3mm). The results indicated that halophilic bacterial strain H. salinus is a good candidate for the production of novel bioactive compounds.

Keyword:     Halophilic bacteriasalt panH. salinusVibrio sp


P. Mayavu, S. Sugesh, M. Suriya And Shanmugam Sundaram., Enumeration of Halophilic Forms in Parangipettai Saltpan and its Antagonistic Activities Against Vibrio Sp. J App Biol Biotech, 2014; 2 (02): 019-021.

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