Spatiotemporal proteome expression during banana fruit development and ripening: elucidation of molecular insights

Subhankar Mohanty Prashanth Suravajhala Giridara Kumar Surabhi   

Open Access   

Published:  Dec 03, 2024

DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2025.199158

Banana is a highly perishable climacteric fruit, and its ripening process is notably fast, due to the modulation of several metabolic processes, including starch degradation, sugar accumulation, ethylene biosynthesis, cell wall modification, and others. However, most of the proteome studies on banana fruit are based on a single tissue type and are limited to either developmental or ripening stages. In contrast, the protein dynamics in the banana fruit during its development and ripening remain unclear. The function and morphology of each fruit tissue are different and ignoring the importance of tissue-specific studies obscures many specific functions. The current study focused on spatiotemporal proteome changes in banana peel and pulp tissues at several stages of fruit development and ripening. Most of the functionally categorized proteins were involved in the regulation of different biochemical and metabolic processes during banana ripening, i.e., starch and sugar metabolism, hormone regulation, cell wall modification, and transcription factors, representing the potential candidates involved in banana fruit development and ripening. We present a comprehensive banana fruit proteome data set by incorporating the expression of the proteins involved in diverse metabolic pathways, including two tissue types, and covering a range of fruit development and ripening stages. We have applied the bioinformatic algorithms to determine the interactions of identified proteins. Protein–protein interaction studies revealed that the two numbers of glycolysis pathway proteins namely, phosphoglucomutase and enolase, were found to interact more with other protein partners in the network. Our findings from this study not only provide an insight into the spatiotemporal modulations of the proteins during banana fruit development and ripening process but also open up the window for further validation of the identified key proteins to assign individual roles in fruit ripening and shelf-life, either through RNAi or genome editing tools.

Keyword:     Fruit ripening protein-protein interactions cell wall modification transcription factors sugar metabolism ethylene signaling


Mohanty S, Suravajhala P, Surabhi GK. Spatiotemporal proteome expression during banana fruit development and ripening: Elucidation of molecular insights. J Appl Biol Biotech. 2024. Online First.

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