Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis, Moraceae) is a tropical species that originated in the Western Pacific and expanded into the Caribbean, Africa, Central/South America, India, and Southeast Asia [1,2]. A tree might provide 250–400 kg of fruits per year, which are food security candidates because of their high nutritional value; 100 g of fresh fruits contain 108–138 kcal, 27.12–33% carbohydrates, 1.48–2% fats, and 1.65–2% proteins together with high minerals, vitamins, and essential amino acids [3]. These properties have made breadfruits the greatest alternative to rice next to other carbohydrate sources such as cassava and sweet potato [4]. The fruits are mostly prepared and consumed by boiling, baking, and steaming. However, their shelf life is limited to a few days due to quick deterioration [5]. To enhance their fruits’ storage properties, drying has been applied, and dried flour is widely used as an alternative ingredient in baking [6-9].
Rice noodles (rice vermicelli) are popularly served in Asia and have spread to Europe recently due to their gluten-free nature and good digestibility. Processing and types of ingredients used affect the strands’ important properties such as color, uniformity, and eating quality [10,11]. Noodles have been fortified with various plant sources including breadfruit flour to enhance nutrition and consumer acceptance [4,12]. Up to 10–25% of rice flour has been substituted by breadfruit flour for successful utilization compared to other starch sources (potato and cassava) [13,14]. Breadfruit flour containing 18.2–27.68% starch displays low paste clarity, poor shear stress and thermal resistance, and high retrograded characteristics that cause the noodles to become sticky, less transparent, increase cooking loss, and decrease customer acceptance [15-17]. Therefore, many physical treatments such as heat, moisture, extrusion, radiation, sonication, and pressure have been applied to alter the breadfruit micro/macroscopic matrix and starch integrity, resulting in high viscosity and plastic materials for prospective thickening/gelling reagents [18].
Microwaves are electromagnetic radiation (frequency of 300–300,000 MHz) that provide heat through polar and ionizable components. The molecules absorb microwave energy and arrange themselves to the electrical field, resulting in heat generation within the food volumes due to friction [19]. This thermal treatment has enhanced the rheological and pasting properties of rice, corn, and breadfruit starches [16,19-21]. Low-frequency ultrasound (20–100 kHz), on the other hand, is a nonthermal technique that uses acoustic cavitation phenomenon, in which tiny bubbles are generated and collapsed under pressure variation. This technology insisted on changes in structural, crystallinity, and pasting characteristics of sweet potato, rice, and wheat flours [22-24]; however, the application to breadfruit powder has not been reported. Low-gluten noodles prepared with ultrasonically treated wheat dough showed promising textural and cooking quality [25], whereas the application of modified breadfruit flour to rice noodles has not yet been discussed. In this research, the morphologies and pasting properties of breadfruit flours treated by microwave and ultrasonic methods were compared to those of intact flour, and their substitution on rice vermicelli was also investigated.
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