Research Article | Volume 12, Issue 5, September, 2024

Growth and yield of carrot (Daucus carota L.) as influenced by seed priming

Sunandha Pusuluri Monisha Rawat Khushboo Kathayat   

Open Access   

Published:  Jul 20, 2024

DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2024.160581

The research work was conducted at the Horticulture Farm of the School of Agriculture, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, from October 2021 to February 2022 to examine the influence of seed priming on the growth and yield of carrots in the Punjab region. The experiment was conducted using a two-factorial randomized block design replicated thrice. The first factor consisted of fourteen priming agents (T1- Zinc (ZnSO4 at 1%), T2- GA3 (50 ppm), T3- GA3 (100 ppm), T4- Cinnamon (10%), T5- Cinnamon (15%), T6- Coconut water (5%), T7- Coconut water (12.5%), T8- Panchagavya (3%), T9- Panchagavya (5%), T10- KNO3 (0.5%), T11- KCl (1%), T12- Cow urine (2%), T13- Cow urine (5%), T14- Water) and one control (T15- Unprimed seeds). The second factor comprised two commercial cultivars, namely, V1- Carrot Deep Red and V2- Black Wonder. Results revealed that the application of 100 ppm GA3, Panchagavya (5%), cow urine (2%), and coconut water (5%) as priming agents in carrots had better growth and yield as compared to the remaining treatments. Therefore, priming carrot seeds could be recommended as an effective method to improve the performance of the plants in terms of both growth and yield attributes.

Keyword:     Carrot GA3 Growth Panchagavya Seed priming Yield


Pusuluri S., Rawat M., Kathayat K. Growth and yield of carrot (Daucus carota L.) as influenced by seed priming. J App Biol Biotech. 2024;12(5):149-153.

Copyright: Author(s). This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

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Carrot, scientifically known as Daucus carota L., belongs to the Apiaceae family with a chromosome number of 2n= 2x= 18. Afghanistan, located in Western Asia, is its center of origin, with maximum diversity. The black and red varieties might have been brought from Afghanistan, Persia, and Southern Russia [1]. The area and production under carrot cultivation in India are 0.097 m ha and 1.648 m tonnes, respectively [2]. It is rich in antioxidants, that is, carotenoids and anthocyanins, and also contains a fair amount of Vitamins C and K, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), pyridoxine (B6), and folates (B9) [3]. It is a cool-season crop that can also tolerate high temperatures early in the season. Temperatures between 18°C and 21°C are beneficial to achieve good color in the roots [4].

Seed is a crucial tool for agricultural production and a carrier for the application of modern agricultural technologies, as good-quality seed is the most important input for improving the overall yield. An important problem faced during carrot cultivation is the poor germination of seeds. For conducting the study, low cost and locally available seed priming agents like cinnamon, coconut water, Panchagavya and cow urine have been used for comparing their effectiveness by including two commonly used priming agents [6,7]. It increases seed performance, improves homogeneity and plant establishment, maximizes yield in different conditions, increases resistance to many environmental stresses, and facilitates the seed to overcome dormancy [5]. Positive effects of seed priming have been reported in different crops, including carrot, using GA3 [6], KNO3 [7], and KCl; however, limited information is available on the effect of organic formulations (cinnamon, coconut water, panchagavya, and cow urine) as priming agents for carrot. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to examine the effect of organic and inorganic compounds as priming agents on the growth and yield of two commercial cultivars of carrot under the Punjab conditions.


An experiment was carried out at the Horticulture Farm, School of Agriculture, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, under Punjab conditions from October 2021 to February 2022 to evaluate the response of seed priming on the growth and yield attributes of carrot. The experiment was laid out in a two-factorial randomized block design (first factor: 14 priming agents and one control; second factor: seeds of two varieties) with three replications. Seeds of two carrot cultivars, that is, V1 (Carrot Deep Red) and V2 (Black Wonder), were soaked in fourteen priming agents, namely, zinc (ZnSO4 at 1%), GA3 (50 ppm), GA3 (100 ppm), cinnamon (10%), cinnamon (15%), coconut water (5%), coconut water (12.5%), panchagavya (3%), panchagavya (5%), KNO3 (0.5%), KCl (1%), cow urine (2%), cow urine (5%), and water for 24 h at room temperature in the Horticulture laboratory after recording their weight and were then air dried to their original moisture content at room temperature using blotting papers. The air-dried seeds were then sown in the field. After emergence, five plants were selected randomly from each treatment and each replication and tagged for recording the observations on growth and yield parameters. Data were recorded for the growth parameters, namely, plant height at 30, 60, and 90 days after sowing and number of leaves at 30, 60, and 90 days after sowing; and yield parameters, that is, average root weight, average root length, average root diameter, and total yield per hectare. The statistical analysis for two factorial randomized block designs was carried out for each observed character using the OPSTAT Analysis software system developed by HAU, Hisar, Haryana [8].


3.1. Growth Parameters

Results revealed that different priming agents significantly influenced the growth of carrots, namely, the number of leaves and plant height [Table 1]. Among all the treatments, priming seeds with 100 ppm GA3 significantly increased the number of leaves and plant height (cm) as compared to the remaining treatments.

Table 1: Effect of different priming agents on the growth of carrot

TreatmentsPlant height at 30 DAS (cm)Plant height at 60 DAS (cm)Plant height at 90 DAS (cm)Number of leaves at 30 DASNumber of leaves at 60 DASNumber of leaves at 90 DAS

S. Em. ±0.1620.05914.4030.3280.12036.8810.5230.19160.3480.0590.0225.2670.1750.06413.1510.2720.09924.107
CD at 5%0.4590.16813.0530.9310.34036.151.4850.74052.7410.1680.0614.3510.4960.18110.0990.7710.28217.65
CV (%)3.1202.4492.4373.3554.5513.779

T1: Zinc (ZnSO4 at 1%), T2: GA3 (50 ppm), T3: GA3 (100 ppm), T4: Cinnamon (10%), T5: Cinnamon (15%), T6: Coconut water (5%), T7: Coconut water (12.5%), T8: Panchagavya (3%), T9: Panchagavya (5%), T10: KNO3 (0.5%), T11: KCl (1%), T12: Cow urine (2%), T13: Cow urine (5%), T14: Water; T15: Control, V1: Carrot Deep Red, V2: Black Wonder

3.1.1. Plant height (cm)

Among the various treatments, the mean value of plant height at 90 DAS ranged from 46.02 cm (T15: control) to 61.83 cm (T3: gibberellic acid at 100 ppm). Priming with gibberellic acid at 100 ppm recorded the maximum mean plant height at 30, 60, and 90 DAS (61.83 cm), followed by T12: cow urine at 2% (57.47 cm), whereas the minimum plant height was observed in control (46.02 cm). Among the two varieties, that is, V1-Carrot Deep Red and V2-Black Wonder, the maximum mean value for plant height at 90 DAS was recorded in Black Wonder (53.48 cm) and the minimum in Carrot Deep Red (51.65 cm). Interaction among the fifteen treatments and two varieties revealed that the highest plant height at 90 DAS was reported in T3V1 (64.80 cm), i.e., the Carrot Deep Red variety primed with gibberellic acid at 100 ppm, followed by T3V2 (58.56 cm), i.e., the Black Wonder variety primed with GA3 at 100 ppm, whereas the lowest plant height at 90 DAS was recorded in T9V1 (42.73 cm), i.e., the Carrot Deep Red variety primed with Panchagavya (5%). Similarly, the highest plant height was observed in cucumber using 200 ppm GA3 [9], in chickpea by using 225 ppm GA3 [10], and in soyabean by using 100 ppm GA3 [11].

3.1.2. Number of leaves

Among the various treatments, the mean value for the number of leaves at 90 DAS ranged from 14.77 (T15: control) to 24.87 (T3: gibberellic acid at 100 ppm). The highest number of leaves at 30, 60, and 90 DAS were reported in T3, i.e., GA3 at 100 ppm (24.87), which was statistically significant over the remaining treatments, followed by T9: Panchagavya at 5% (19.17). Interaction among the 15 treatments and two varieties revealed that the highest number of leaves at 90 DAS were reported in T3V2 (26.18) i.e., Black Wonder variety primed with gibberellic acid at 100 ppm, followed by T3V1 (23.57) that is, Carrot Deep Red primed with gibberellic acid at 100 ppm, while the lowest number of leaves at 90 DAS were recorded in T6V1, that is, (14.45) Carrot Deep Red variety primed with coconut water at 5%. Similarly, the highest number of leaves was observed using 100 ppm in onion [12], and soyabean [11], and sponge gourd [13].

3.2. Yield Parameters

Among all the treatments, T3: GA3 at 100 ppm significantly revealed superior results with respect to average root weight (g), average root length (cm), average root diameter (cm), and total yield (q/ha) [Table 2].

Table 2: Effect of different priming agents on the yield of carrot

TreatmentsAverage root weight (g)Average root length (cm)Average root diameter (cm)Total yield (q/ha)

S. Em. ±0.8080.295157.5440.1210.0448.4070.1250.0465.3890.1170.04322.757
CD at 5%2.2930.837124.5870.3430.1258.0270.3560.1303.9060.3310.12117.997
CV (%)1.5462.5757.9961.617

T1: Zinc (ZnSO4 at 1%), T2: GA3 (50 ppm), T3: GA3 (100 ppm), T4: Cinnamon (10%), T5: Cinnamon (15%), T6: Coconut water (5%), T7: Coconut water (12.5%), T8: Panchagavya (3%), T9: Panchagavya (5%), T10: KNO3 (0.5%), T11: KCl (1%), T12: Cow urine (2%), T13: Cow urine (5%), T14: Water; T15: Control, V1: Carrot Deep Red, V2: Black Wonder

3.2.1. Average root weight (g)

Maximum average root weight was observed with the use of 100 ppm GA3 (159.83 g), followed by T12: 2% cow urine (130.91 g), whereas the minimum mean root weight was observed in T15: control (104.06 g). The maximum average root weight was recorded in the Black Wonder variety (125.42 g), while the minimum average root weight was observed in Carrot Deep Red (119.10 g). Interaction among the fifteen treatments and two varieties revealed that the maximum root weight was reported in T3V2 (160.30 g), that is, the Black Wonder variety primed with gibberellic acid at 100 ppm, followed by T3V1 (159.37 g), i.e., the Carrot Deep Red variety primed with GA3 at 100 ppm, while the minimum root weight was recorded in T15V1 (101.64 g), the unprimed Carrot Deep Red variety.

3.2.2. Average root length (cm)

The maximum mean root length was recorded in T3: GA3 at 100 ppm (8.75 cm), followed by T6: coconut water (5%) (8.51 cm), while the minimum mean root length was observed in T15: Control (6.79 cm). Among the two varieties, the maximum mean value for root length was recorded in Black Wonder (8.15 cm), followed by Carrot Deep Red (7.73 cm). Interaction among the 15 treatments and two varieties revealed that maximum root length was reported in T3V1 (8.96 cm), that is, the Carrot Deep Red variety primed with gibberellic acid at 100 ppm, followed by T14V2 (8.76 cm), that is, the Black Wonder variety primed with water, while the lowest root length was recorded in T15V2, that is, the (6.49 cm) Black Wonder variety, which was the control.

3.2.3. Average root diameter (cm)

The maximum mean root diameter was recorded in T3: GA3 at 100 ppm (5.74 cm), followed by T7: 12.5% coconut water (4.49 cm), while the minimum root diameter was found in T9: 5% Panchagavya (2.92 cm). Among the two varieties, the maximum mean value for root diameter was recorded in Black Wonder (4.03 cm) and the minimum in Carrot Deep Red (3.65 cm). Interaction among the 15 treatments and two varieties revealed that the highest root diameter was reported in T3V2 (6.21 cm), that is, the Black Wonder variety primed with gibberellic acid at 100 ppm, followed by T3V1 (5.38 cm), that is, the Carrot Deep Red variety primed with 100 ppm GA3, while the lowest root diameter was recorded in T9V1 (2.67 cm), that is, the Carrot Deep Red variety primed with Panchagavya at 5%.

3.2.4. Total yield (q/ha)

The maximum mean total yield was recorded in T3: GA3 at 100 ppm (230.88 q/ha), followed by T12: 2% cow urine (189.10 q/ha), while the minimum yield was found in T15: Control (150.33 q/ha). Among the two varieties, the maximum mean value for total yield was recorded in Black Wonder (181.18 q/ha) and the minimum in Carrot Deep Red (172.03 q/ha). Interaction among the 15 treatments and two varieties revealed that the highest total yield was reported in T3V2 (231.57 q/ha), that is, the Black Wonder variety primed with gibberellic acid at 100 ppm, followed by T3V1 (230.20 q/ha), that is, the Carrot Deep Red variety primed with 100 ppm GA3, while the lowest yield was recorded in T15V1 (146.83 q/ha), the Carrot Deep Red variety, which was the control.

It was observed that priming carrot seeds with GA3, cow urine, Panchagavya, and coconut water enhanced both the growth and yield attributes of both cultivars of carrot. Similar findings were reported by the use of 100 ppm GA3, which increased the yield in cowpea [14], resulted in maximum pod length, pod diameter, and pod yield per hectare in okra [15], helped in achieving the highest average bulb weight, average bulb diameter, and total bulb yield (q/ha) in onion [12], and increased the seed yield in sunflower [16]. Among the four concentrations of GA3 (75 ppm, 150 ppm, 225 ppm, and 300 ppm) used in chickpeas, 225 ppm GA3 resulted in a superior yield [10]. It also increased the plant height and yield even under saline conditions in wheat [17].

GA3, being an effective plant growth regulator, enhances metabolism and photosynthate accumulation [18], thereby overcoming seed dormancy and ensuring rapid seed germination [19], which might have increased the number of leaves. It increases cell division in the cambial zone, increases internodal length, which eventually enhances the morphological characters [20], also governs other major growth and developmental processes occurring in the plants such as seed germination, elongation, and expansion of hypocotyl [21], and helps to improve the petiole length, which ultimately increases the plant height [17] and number of leaves. Seed priming with 5% Panchagavya also resulted in the maximum number of leaves at 90 DAS, which might be due to the presence of beneficial microorganisms, thus improving the microbial activity around the root zone, which might have increased the number of leaves [22]. Though the use of GA3 was found to be much better, but based on the above results, it was found that using locally available inputs like cow urine and Panchagavya as a seed priming agent improved the growth and yield of carrot as compared to the remaining priming agents.


The results obtained from this experiment clearly suggested that priming improved the growth and yield parameters in both cultivars of carrot. Among all the priming agents, 100 ppm GA3 revealed significantly superior results for both growth and yield as compared to other treatments. It was found that the locally available farm inputs positively increased the growth and yield of red coloured carrot cultivar (Carrot Deep Red), which suggests that these can be used as suitable priming agents for getting better yield in red coloured carrot cultivars. Therefore, it can be concluded that, being one of the simplest and easiest techniques, seed priming can be adopted to enhance the growth and yield attributes of carrots. However, further research is required in this context.


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2.  Anonymous. National Horticultural Board Data Base;2018. Available from: [Last accessed on 2023 Aug 14].

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6.  Eisvand HR, Shahrosvand S, Zahedi B, Heidari S, Afrougheh S. Effects of hydro-priming and hormonal priming by gibberellin and salicylic acid on seed and seedling quality of carrot (Daucus carota var. sativus). Iran J Plant Physiol 2011;1:233-9.

7.  Dessalew F, Ejeta M, Mola T, Haile M. Effect of halo, hydro and hormonal-priming on germination, seedling growth, seedling vigor and seed yield of carrot (Daucus carota) seed. Int J Nov Res Interdiscip Stud 2022;9:1-8.

8.  Sheoran OP, Tonk DS, Kaushik LS, Hasija RC, Pannu RS. Statistical Software Package for Agricultural Research Workers. Recent Advances in Information Theory, Statistics and Computer Applications. Vol. 8. Hisar. Department of Mathematics Statistics, CCS HAU;1998. 139-43.

9.  Anwar A, Xianchang YU, Yansu LI. Seed priming as a promising technique to improve growth, chlorophyll, photosynthesis and nutrient contents in cucumber seedlings. Not Bot Horti Agrobotanici Cluj Napoca 2020;48:116-27. [CrossRef]

10.  Mazed HK, Haque MN, Irin IJ, Ashraful M, Pulok I, Abdullah AH. Effect of seed priming on growth, yield and seed quality of chickpea (BARI chhola-6). Int J Multidiscip Res Dev 2015;2:142-47.

11.  Agawane RB, Parhe SD. Effect of seed priming on crop growth and seed yield of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merill]. Bioscan 2015;10:265-70.

12.  Thejeshwini B, Manohar Rao A, Nayak MH, Sultana R. Effect of seed priming on plant growth and bulb yield in onion (Allium cepa L.). Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci 2019;8:1242-9. [CrossRef]

13.  Shahzad R, Khan J, Gurmani AR, Waqas M, Hamayun M, Khan AL, et al. Seed priming with gibberellic acid (GA3) in sponge-gourd modulated high salinity stress. J Life Sci 2014;2:75-86.

14.  Arun MN, Hebbar SS, Bhanuprakash K, Senthivel T, Nair AK, Pandey DP. Influence of seed priming and different irrigation levels on growth parameters of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp]. Legum Res An Int J 2020;43:99-104.

15.  Tahir MT, Anjum MA, Saqib M, Khalid MF, Hussain S. Seed primig and foliar application of plant growth regulators affect the growth and yield of okra under calcareous soils. Acta Sci Pol Hortorum Cultus 2019;18:25-33. [CrossRef]

16.  Jafri N, Mazid M, Mohammad F. Responses of seed priming with gibberellic acid on yield and oil quality of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Indian J Agric Res 2015;49:235-40. [CrossRef]

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18.  Shahid MR, Amjad M, Ziaf K, Jahangir MM, Ahmad S, Iqbal Q, Nawaz A. Growth, yield and seed production of okra as influenced by different growth regulators. Pak J Agric Sci 2013;50:387-92.

19.  Riley JM. Gibberellic acid for fruit set and seed germination. CRFG J 1987;19:10-2.

20.  Tewari N, Singh P, Lal C, Katiyar PK, Vaish CP. Effect of presowing seed treatment on germination, growth and yield of onion (Allium cepa L.). Seed Res 2019;29:238-9.

21.  Swain SM, Singh DP. Tall tales from sly dwarves:Novel functions of gibberellins in plant development. Trends Plant Sci 2005;10:123-9. [CrossRef]

22.  Kumbar B, Devakumar N. Effect of jeevamrutha and panchagavya on growth, yield and microbial population of french bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Adv Life Sci 2016;5:3619-23.

23.  Pathak RK, Ram RA. Bio-enhancers:A potential tool to improve soil fertility, plant health in organic production of horticultural crops. Progress Hortic 2013;45:237-54.

24.  Davies PJ. The plant hormones:Their nature, occurrence, and functions. In:Plant Hormones:Biosynthesis, Signal Transduction, Action!Dordrecht:Springer Netherlands;2010. p. 1-15. [CrossRef]


1. Hazra P, Som MG. Vegetable Science. 2nd ed. Ludhiana: Kalyani Publishers; 2015. p. 359-65.

2. Anonymous. National Horticultural Board Data Base; 2018. Available from: [Last accessed on 2023 Aug 14].

3. Da Silva Dias JC. Nutritional and health benefits of carrots and their seed extracts. Nutr Food Sci 2014;5:2147.

4. Nunez J, Hartz T, Suslow T, McGiffen M, Natwick ET. Carrot production in California. California: University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources; 2008.

5. Waqas M, Korres NE, Khan MD, Nizami AS, Deeba F, Ali I, et al. Advances in the concept and methods of seed priming. In: Priming and Pretreatment of Seeds and Seedlings: Implication in Plant Stress Tolerance and Enhancing Productivity in Crop Plants. Singapore: Springer; 2019. p. 11-41.

6. Eisvand HR, Shahrosvand S, Zahedi B, Heidari S, Afrougheh S. Effects of hydro-priming and hormonal priming by gibberellin and salicylic acid on seed and seedling quality of carrot (Daucus carota var. sativus). Iran J Plant Physiol 2011;1:233-9.

7. Dessalew F, Ejeta M, Mola T, Haile M. Effect of halo, hydro and hormonal-priming on germination, seedling growth, seedling vigor and seed yield of carrot (Daucus carota) seed. Int J Nov Res Interdiscip Stud 2022;9:1-8.

8. Sheoran OP, Tonk DS, Kaushik LS, Hasija RC, Pannu RS. Statistical Software Package for Agricultural Research Workers. Recent Advances in Information Theory, Statistics and Computer Applications. Vol. 8. Hisar. Department of Mathematics Statistics, CCS HAU; 1998. p. 139-43.

9. Anwar A, Xianchang YU, Yansu LI. Seed priming as a promising technique to improve growth, chlorophyll, photosynthesis and nutrient contents in cucumber seedlings. Not Bot Horti Agrobotanici Cluj Napoca 2020;48:116-27.

10. Mazed HK, Haque MN, Irin IJ, Ashraful M, Pulok I, Abdullah AH. Effect of seed priming on growth, yield and seed quality of chickpea (BARI chhola-6). Int J Multidiscip Res Dev 2015;2:142-47.

11. Agawane RB, Parhe SD. Effect of seed priming on crop growth and seed yield of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merill]. Bioscan 2015;10:265-70.

12. Thejeshwini B, Manohar Rao A, Nayak MH, Sultana R. Effect of seed priming on plant growth and bulb yield in onion (Allium cepa L.). Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci 2019;8:1242-9.

13. Shahzad R, Khan J, Gurmani AR, Waqas M, Hamayun M, Khan AL, et al. Seed priming with gibberellic acid (GA3) in sponge-gourd modulated high salinity stress. J Life Sci 2014;2:75-86.

14. Arun MN, Hebbar SS, Bhanuprakash K, Senthivel T, Nair AK, Pandey DP. Influence of seed priming and different irrigation levels on growth parameters of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp]. Legum Res An Int J 2020;43:99-104.

15. Tahir MT, Anjum MA, Saqib M, Khalid MF, Hussain S. Seed primig and foliar application of plant growth regulators affect the growth and yield of okra under calcareous soils. Acta Sci Pol Hortorum Cultus 2019;18:25-33.

16. Jafri N, Mazid M, Mohammad F. Responses of seed priming with gibberellic acid on yield and oil quality of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Indian J Agric Res 2015;49:235-40.

17. Ashraf M, Karim F, Rasul E. Interactive effects of gibberellic acid (GA 3) and salt stress on growth, ion accumulation and photosynthetic capacity of two spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars differing in salt tolerance. Plant Growth Regul 2002;36:49-59.

18. Shahid MR, Amjad M, Ziaf K, Jahangir MM, Ahmad S, Iqbal Q, Nawaz A. Growth, yield and seed production of okra as influenced by different growth regulators. Pak J Agric Sci 2013;50:387-92.

19. Riley JM. Gibberellic acid for fruit set and seed germination. CRFG J 1987;19:10-2.

20. Tewari N, Singh P, Lal C, Katiyar PK, Vaish CP. Effect of presowing seed treatment on germination, growth and yield of onion (Allium cepa L.). Seed Res 2019;29:238-9.

21. Swain SM, Singh DP. Tall tales from sly dwarves: Novel functions of gibberellins in plant development. Trends Plant Sci 2005;10:123-9.

22. Kumbar B, Devakumar N. Effect of jeevamrutha and panchagavya on growth, yield and microbial population of french bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Adv Life Sci 2016;5:3619-23.

23. Pathak RK, Ram RA. Bio-enhancers: A potential tool to improve soil fertility, plant health in organic production of horticultural crops. Progress Hortic 2013;45:237-54.

24. Davies PJ. The plant hormones: Their nature, occurrence, and functions. In: Plant Hormones: Biosynthesis, Signal Transduction, Action! Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands; 2010. p. 1-15.

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Effects of modulation dietary gelatinized cornstarch/protein ratio on growth performance, feed utilization, and body composition of tilapia Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings

Y E O Gope yue Maurice , B L E Melecony Celestin, Fagbohoun Bedel, Etchian Assoi Olivier, Dabonne Soumaila

Synergistic Antibacterial Effect of Silver Nanoparticles and Extremely Low-Frequency Pulsed Magnetic Fields on Klebsiella pneumoniae

Mai I. El-kaliuoby, Alaa M. Khalil, Ahmed M. El-Khatib, Thanaa I. Shalaby

Antimicrobial applications of sophorolipid from Candida bombicola: A promising alternative to conventional drugs

Victoria Akemi Itakura Silveira, Christiane Aparecida Urzedo Queiroz Freitas, Maria Antonia Pedrine Colabone Celligoi

Effect of different culture media on growth of Chlorella sorokiniana and the influence of microalgal effluents on the germination of lettuce seeds

Dagon Manoel Ribeiro, Géssica Tais Zanetti, Maria Heloisa Moreno Julião, Tathiana Elisa Masetto, Jane Mary Lafayette Neves Gelinski, Gustavo Graciano Fonseca

Effect of different industrial and domestic effluents on growth, yield, and heavy metal accumulation in Turnip (Brassica rapa L.)

Noor ul Ain, Qurat ul Ain, Sadaf Javeria, Sana Ashiq, Kanwal Ashiq, Muhammad Sufyan Akhtar

Screening and characterization of siderophore producing endophytic bacteria from Cicer arietinum and Pisum sativum plants

Rajat Maheshwari, Namita Bhutani, Pooja Suneja

Comparative study of three locally available feeds on the growth and nutritional quality of Oreochromis niloticus juveniles

Ella Pélagie Larissa Kouadio, Ahou Rachel Koumi, Tia Jean Gonnety, Boua Célestin Atsé, Lucien Patrice Kouamé

Callus induction, Indirect Organogenesis and Plantlet Regeneration from different explants of Vernonia anthelmintica (L.) Willd

Maya Rajan, Shahena Soororbhavan, Vinaya Chandran, Linu Mathew

Optimization of physical parameters for the growth and lipid production in Nannochloropsis gaditana (Lubian, 1982)

Shyni MarKose, Ajan Chellappan, Praba Thangamani, Subilal George, Selvaraj Thangaswamy, Citarasu Thavasimuthu, Michaelbabu Mariavincent

Dye degradation potential and its degradative enzymes synthesis of Bacillus cereus SKB12 isolated from a textile industrial effluent

Thangaraj Sheela, Senthil Kumar Sadasivam

Nutritional requirements for the enhanced mycelial growth and yield performance of Trametes versicolor

Bich Thuy Thi Nguyen, Ve Van Le, Huyen Trang Thi Nguyen, Luyen Thi Nguyen, Thuy Trang Thi Tran, Nghien Xuan Ngo

Enhanced production of a bioactive molecule from a symbiotic marine bacterium, Paenibacillus macerans SAM 9 isolated from the sea anemone, Heteractis aurora

Thayanithi Bharathi, Kathirvelu Sambandan, Kandasamy Sivasubramani

Bioprospecting of endophytic bacteria from the Indian Himalayas and their role in plant growth promotion of maize (Zea mays L.)

Kusam Lata Rana, Divjot Kour, Tanvir Kaur, Rubee Devi, Ashok Yadav, Ajar Nath Yadav

Bacterial endophytes from halophyte black saxaul (Haloxylon aphyllum Minkw.) and their plant growth-promoting properties

Vyacheslav Shurigin,, Begali Alikulov, Kakhramon Davranov, Zafar Ismailov

Inducing the growth and flowering of caraway (Carum carvi L.) plant

Hanan M. H. Ali, Dalia Abdel Halim M. Sallam

Growth-promoting effects of marine microalgae species using tropical forest soil extracts

Kasturi Arumugam, Nor Suhaila Yaacob, Hasdianty Abdullah, Mohd Fadzli Ahmad, Maegala Nallapan Maniyam, Emi Fazlina Hashim, Fridelina Sjahrir, Wan Muhammad Ikram, Kazuhiro Komatsu, Victor S. Kuwahara

Evaluation of common wastewaters on the growth of alga Spirulina

Tassnapa Wongsnansilp, Wikit Phinrub

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi as a potential biofertilizers for agricultural sustainability

Kumar Anand, Gaurav Kumar Pandey, Tanvir Kaur, Olivia Pericak, Collin Olson, Rajinikanth Mohan, Kriti Akansha, Ashok Yadav, Rubee Devi, Divjot Kour, Ashutosh Kumar Rai, Manish Kumar, Ajar Nath Yadav

Phosphate-Solubilizing Microorganisms for Agricultural Sustainability

Ajar Nath Yadav

Structural and functional diversity of plant growth promoting microbiomes for agricultural sustainability

Tanvir Kaur, Divjot Kour, Olivia Pericak, Collin Olson, Rajinikanth Mohan, Ashok Yadav, Shashank Mishra, Manish Kumar, Ashutosh Kumar Rai, Ajar Nath Yadav

Abiotic stress signaling in plants and transgenic technology as a triumph: A review

Seetha Babu Manepalli, Shraddha Tomar, Dinkar J. Gaikwad, Sagar Maitra

Potassium Solubilizing Microorganisms for Agricultural Sustainability

Ajar Nath Yadav

Implications of abiotic stress tolerance in arbuscular mycorrhiza colonized plants: Importance in plant growth and regulation

Madhulika Singh,, Sanskriti Bisht, Shatrupa Singh, Jai Gopal Sharma

Effect of nutrient media enhanced with plant-growth regulators on indirect somatic embryogenesis induction for the tissue culture of Digitalis purpurea

Mohammed Ahmed Al-Oqab, Salim Zaid, Youssef Al-Ammouri

Effect of liquid seaweed (Ulva rigida) extract on the growth and rooting of carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.)

Najat Zouari, Hanane Bougdaoua, Noureddine El Mtili

Occurrence of two endophytic associative nitrogen-fixing Caulobacter spp., from three non-nodulating endemic legumes based on nifH gene analysis

N. Thamizhseran, Ganesh V. Shendye

Stress Adaptive Phosphorus Solubilizing Microbiomes for Agricultural Sustainability

Divjot Kour, Ajar Nath Yadav

Microbial diversity of Azadirachta indica (Neem) gum: An unexplored niche

Pragya Saxena,, Hillol Chakdar, Arjun Singh, Sheetal Shirodkar, Alok K. Srivastava

Impact of different levels of iron fertilizer on growth and yield physiology of Kodo millet under rainfed conditions – An overview

R. Samundeswari, N. Jeyapandiyan, M. Anitha, J. Patricia Kalaiarasi, R. Susan Poonguzhali, C. Jayapradha, S. Rathikannu, K. Udhaya Kumar

Isolation and characterization of robust plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria from lignite mines, Gujarat

Ravi Patel, Dilip N. Borada, Amisha Patel, Neil J. Shah

Effect of nutrient media enhanced with plant growth regulators on genetic stability in sub-cultures of Digitalis purpurea callus

Mohammed Ahmed AL-Oqab, Salim Zaid, Youssef Al-Ammouri, Shawqi H. Alawdi

Endophytic nitrogen-fixing bacteria: Untapped treasurer for agricultural sustainability

Kusam Lata Rana, Divjot Kour, Tanvir Kaur, Rajeshwari Negi, Rubee Devi, Neelam Yadav, Pankaj Kumar Rai, Sangram Singh, Ashutosh Kumar Rai, Ashok Yadav, R. Z. Sayyed, Ajar Nath Yadav

Rhizospheres of Rubus ellipticus and Ageratina riparia from Meghalaya exhibit Actinomycetota that promote plant growth

Debulman Syiemiong, Dhruva Kumar Jha, Samrat Adhikari, Dapkupar Mylliemngap, Richborn Kharbuki, Dominic Lyngdoh, Joel Paul Warlarpih, Neha Paul, Kevin Matthew Lamare, Chalcedony Wahlang, Rangehbok Lyngkhoi

An update about plant growth promoting Streptomyces species

Fatimah K. Al-Tammar, Ashraf Y. Z. Khalifa,

Minerals Solubilizing Microbes for Agricultural Sustainability

Ajar Nath Yadav

Application of the PCR and allele-specific PCR-nucleic acid lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of the SRY gene and the G1138A mutation in the FGFR3 gene for the human DNA

Anupong Sukjai, Theerapong Puangmali, Khunton Wichajarn, Monthira Monthatong

Nano-biofertilizers for Agricultural Sustainability

Ajar Nath Yadav,, Divjot Kour, Neelam Yadav

Rhizospheric microbiomes for agricultural sustainability

Ajar Nath Yadav,, Divjot Kour, Neelam Yadav

The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation affects plant growth and flavonoid content in tomato plant (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.)

Rusdi Hasan, Tia Setiawati, Dede Sukirman, Mohamad Nurzaman

Cytokine disbalance in the rats’ kidneys following Leiurus macroctenus envenomation

Ruzhena Matkivska, Serhii Shchypanskyi, Nataliia Raksha, Tetiana Vovk, Tetiana Halenova, Oleksandr Maievskyi, Olexiy Savchuk, Liudmyla Ostapchenko

Improvement in productivity of strawberry (Fragaria X ananassa Duch.) under vertical farming system

Pallvi Verma, Gurpreet Singh, Shailesh Kumar Singh, Anis Ahmad Mirza, Manish Bakshi, Anmol, Lakshya Bishnoi

Formulation and effectivity of consortia of potential plant growth promoting endophytic bacteria from chickpea (Cicer arietinum)

Pradeep Kumar, Jitender Rathee, Simran Rani, Pooja Suneja

Phosphate and potassium solubilizing Siccibacter colletis promotes wheat growth, yield, and nutrient uptake

Pawan Kumar, Sandeep Kumar, Parkriti Jhilta, Vikram Poria, Rajpaul Yadav, Surender Singh